Cairns Lactation Consulting can assist with all aspects of breastfeeding. A few of the main services I can help with include;
• Antenatal Management Plans
A useful tool for women who have endocrine/hormonal concerns such as diabetes or PCOS.
Antenatal expressing of colostrum is also beneficial when it is anticipated that baby may have feeding problems or need extra calories soon after birth.
For women who have had any of the following, antenatal expressing may be beneficial
low milk supply in the past
problems with breast growth
previous breast surgery
fertility treatments to assist with this pregnancy
• Correct Attachment & Positioning Techniques
Breastfeeding is natural , it is also a learned technique. Many women struggle in the early days of their breastfeeding journey and attachment is a common stressor. Let us help you develop and refine your attachment techniques and positions.
• Management of Mastitis
Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast that may or may not involve a bacterial infection - which usually results from a blocked milk duct that hasn't cleared.
When left untreated it can have detrimental effects on the mother's health and her milk supply. Early interventions can assist with a faster recovery that is less stressful for both Mum and baby.
• Damaged / Cracked Nipples
Many mothers experience some degree of nipple pain/cracks or blisters when breastfeeding. This can be helped with adjustments to positioning and a thorough oral assessment. Often some simple guidance can completely change your breastfeeding experience.
If you are experiencing pain when attaching the baby, we can complete a comprehensive breastfeeding assessment and make adjustments and recommendations based on the findings.
• Painful Attachment
• Low Milk Supply
Many mothers worry about their milk supply, particularly in the early stages of breastfeeding. Women who have stopped breastfeeding will most commonly say it was because they ‘didn't have enough milk’. However, most mothers do produce enough milk for their babies. Your milk supply is considered low when there is not enough breast milk being produced to meet your baby's growth needs.
If the milk supply is in fact low there are plans that can be put in place to increase your milk supply.
• Overactive Milk Production / Forceful Let Down
Some mothers make more milk than their babies can easily cope with. This is quite common in the first few weeks of breastfeeding, but can continue longer in some cases. We can implement strategies to manage this oversupply and make breastfeeding more comfortable for both Mum and baby.
• Tongue / Lip Tie Assessment and Management
An IBCLC can assess your baby's mouth and assist with a management plan if a restrictive tongue/lip tie is found. We work closely with your health care provider in delivering the safest care possible.
• Low Weight Gain
We recognise that all babies grow at individual rates and many factors affect the growth patterns. When babies are experiencing slow weight gain, we can implement plans to ensure that baby is receiving adequate milk supply.
• Insufficient Glandular Tissue
The size of a woman’s breasts has no bearing on how much milk she can make. The size of the breast is generally determined by the amount of fatty tissue in the breast (the larger the breast, the greater amount of fatty tissue and vice versa). The milk making capability of a breast is determined by the amount of glandular tissue in the breast.
Glandular tissue is the milk-making tissue in the breast. Some women who have insufficient glandular tissue may experience problems with breastfeeding. Working with an IBCLC (international Board Certified Lactation Consultant) will help you maximise your breastmilk supply.
• Returning to Work / Expressing Plans
Returning to work/study can be a very stressful time, especially if you are breastfeeding. Let an IBCLC guide you in making a plan that works both for Mum and baby.
I can see you in the comfort of your own home.
Within a 30 km radius of Gordonvale – (additional travel charges will apply outside of this radius).